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Staff Story

This staff member may be a familiar face to our members who use our North Entrance throughout the week. Meet Caroline Gunneman: "Time flies when you're having fun! It's hard to believe I've been here for 7 years already. It's an adventure; every day is new and different here at the Y and I love it! My co-workers are wonderful and supportive, they're always there for me - you guys are awesome!!"

"During my shift I think I know all the regulars on a first name basis and what days and times they get here. If I see members coming in and they have a walker or a cane, or maybe a gym bag they are struggling with, I will check them in so they don't have one more thing to mess with. Some have told me I spoil members who come in my entrance, but to me I see it as a service I am providing for them, that's what I'm here for right?"